

Showing directions to a place in which they need to go, through the Snowy days and clouded nights. True direction goes to the needed place to be. A Compass is the tool to help guide to that place of realization.


Game a word senonamius with Chess and checkers. Used in pure unseriousness makes situations worse. Going , towing, and sowing the seeds for power grow. For a game of high stakes many lives at stake when politics gets treated as a game. Team's sports are a game for the sports team fanatics and politics is anything but, a game in spite is a game of destruction.


Transparent for all to see , beautiful out and the best possible thing. Those that don't want it try to muddy it up, make a fuss, and cry about the truth and not being able to lie. A witch hunt they'll exclaim as the accountability heads their way cause Justice is clear and precise.


Thinking what a beautiful word from a thought an idea made with such a comprehension . The thought of a thought is even more important than the portant of the first idea. Those that can't think for themselves all think one idea at all times with little to show for that singular idea. Strung along for so long they malfunction when getting push back and reality check for their mind.


Panicked aniced look whose over there, your boss was late for the meeting. Chicken's running around pulling feathers out over nothing. Look someone different can you cook up a theory about how and why. Attack from an other that just wants left alone besiege you I plead you hear a voice all alone. Crazy is hazy for those in a daise . Worry about nothing but the whole Hysteria of The other for you have nothing more to be done.


When people don't want you to be able to express yourself keep being you in the face of adversity, You will go down in history for standing up to that very adversity. You can be the hero of your Life story. Live with your truth only you know. Performance as someone else that you are not is a destructive self. Be unapologetically Who you are live as you truly are.


A feeling that comes from understand the reason,the season and the grieving. Through hate and othering trouble comes tumbling up from those been fooled. Conmen abound to further radicalize the hate and othering to search for power, for the hour to own without heast the very people that are projecting what they are on to the people they want gone. Truth succeeds and lies exposed to hold accountable. Peace, Respect, and Understanding the love of our fellow human beings that those fellow human beings were being attacked. Peace, love, and respect for one another is a good thing to have.